Back, Side, or Stomach – Which Sleeping Position is Best?

Sleep Tips

Sleeping position can significantly impact your comfort and overall health during sleep. Have you ever wondered if one position is more healthy than another?  As always, there are tradeoffs. Here are the pros and cons of sleeping on your side, back, and stomach – and be sure to read all the way to the end to find out which position is the most popular!

Sleeping on your side offers several advantages, including reduced snoring and relief from sleep apnea symptoms. Moreover, this position can aid digestion, alleviate acid reflux, and promote spinal alignment, potentially decreasing back and neck pain. However, drawbacks may include shoulder and hip discomfort, facial wrinkles, and heightened joint pressure. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleeping on your left side is best to take pressure off internal organs and facilitate blood flow.

Sleeping on your back is often recommended for its potential benefits in promoting proper spinal alignment and reducing pressure on joints. This position can help alleviate neck and back pain, as well as reduce symptoms of acid reflux by keeping the head elevated above the stomach. However, it is important to note that back sleeping may worsen snoring and sleep apnea for some individuals. Additionally, there is a possibility of experiencing sleep paralysis more frequently when sleeping in this position. For those who find comfort in sleeping on their back, using pillows strategically placed under the knees and lower back can further support the spine and enhance the benefits of this position.

Sleeping on your stomach is a position that some people find comfortable and beneficial for various reasons. It can help alleviate snoring and mild sleep apnea by keeping the airways open, leading to better quality sleep. Furthermore, sleeping on your stomach may also aid in digestion, especially for individuals who experience acid reflux or indigestion. However, there are potential downsides to sleeping on your stomach that should be considered. This position can strain the neck and spine, leading to discomfort and even pain over time. Additionally, the pressure on the nerves in the neck and shoulders can cause numbness or tingling in the extremities, which may be uncomfortable or disruptive to sleep.

Ultimately, the best sleeping position for you will depend on your comfort and any underlying health conditions.

Ultimately, the best sleeping position for you will depend on your comfort and any underlying health conditions. Experimenting with different sleeping positions and pillows is recommended to find what works best for you. And the most popular sleeping position? According to, sleeping on their side is preferred by 60% of sleepers!