by Theresa Sirois, Social Media Coordinator

As you'll see from this great article, many companies are aware that we, as consumers, are seeking less toxic, "greener" solutions for our homes and families. Many companies, like The Clean Bedroom, are doing their due diligence in giving you certified organic options versus greenwashing you into a product that still leaves much to be desired. 

Many of us, like the author in this recent blog post from Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, purposefully seek out options that we perceive to be the safest for our families and our children. Jennifer Hankey, author here, takes her process a step further by calling each manufacturer multiple times, and speaking to multiple levels of management to ensure a consistent response to the question: "What chemicals are in your products?"

She reports many acknowledge "proprietary compounds" but few admit to black & white, clear, concise ingredients. Those that do she applauds. From two such companies, she recently purchased 2 child car seats. She sent samples from each to be independently tested. 

Flame image

The tests came back. Bad. Both seats tested had test results come back positive for TDCPP, or "tris", a toxic flame retardant according to Duke University that "is a probable carcinogen and a developmental neurotoxicant, as well as an endocrine disruptor …"

Additionally, a "green" foam the author purchased to recover her couches because it claimed to have no flame retardants also tested positive for TDCPP.

"As a mom I was furious. As a promoter of these products to my followers as safe, I was devastated. It was a lesson learned. As consumers we declare victory when a company such as Graco or Britax announces that they are removing all toxic flame retardants. But when we research further, we learn that they are removing halogenated FR and switching to other toxic chemicals." 

Hankey explains what this process taught her: 

  1. Even companies that claim to try to do the right thing apparently still have no idea what is in their products, and until these chemicals are regulated because they are toxic at a federal level this will continue to happen
  2. Even when you research everything and spend more for non-toxic products, there is no guarantee that you are actually getting safe products.

As parents and consumers, it is time we demand better! It is time to have chemicals proved safe before we use them on and around our children. This is common sense. There was once a time when cigarettes, asbestos and DDT were not required to require federal intervention and regulation! NOW is the time to regulate the toxic chemicals found in everyday household items. 

Want to have a sample of your furniture/product tested? Find out how HERE

For the full article referenced above, entitled 'Flame Retardants and Car Seats: When Parents Do Everything Right and It Is Still Wrong' click HERE 

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