How Much Sleep Does Your Family Need?

Sleep Tips Weblogs

by Theresa Sirois, Social Media Coordinator 

Sadly, it's almost that time of year again: back-to-school. If your family is anything like mine, then summer days are spent haphazardly running errands, taxiing kids to camp, and hitting the beach! We barely get home in time for dinner, and if we do, nothing is planned as it is during the routine of the school year. We eat later, baths are later, and so bedtimes get pushed to the brink! 

Before we know it, it will be time to rein it all back in! Regardless of the time of year, it is still very important for not only children, but for everyone in your family to still get appropriate amounts of sleep. 

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It is important to keep a bedtime routine, keep electronics OUT of the bedroom, and have everyone in the family make sleep a priority. 

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